Get rid of elbows and knees black spots in just 4 steps - Health and Beauty Tips

Get rid of elbows and knees black spots in just 4 steps

 Get rid of elbows and knees black spots in just 4 steps

Hand and feet are important parts of our body, so beautiful hands and feet also play an important role in enhancing our beauty. But many stains stops this hands-and-foot beauty. For example, if you have black spots in the elbows and feet of your hand, it feels bad to yourself. You can get rid of this problem only after following 4 steps. First of all, know about the causes of black spots in the elbow and knee-

(1) Due to falling skin on elbows and knees, the places become black.

(2) Bearing excessive pressure on elbows and knees causes black spots.

(3) Extra weight is also the reason for this black spot.

(4) Dry skin, genetic, improper hygiene etc. may also be the reason for this.

First Step (Skin Softening):

We'll make the skin ready for the next step. Elbows and knees are much more dry. So cucumbers do a great job to make them soft and hydrate. Cut the cucumber and rub it on the elbows and knees black spots for 10-15 minutes. After keeping 5 minutes, you will have to wash with cold water.

Cucumber moisturize skin. It has a natural bleaching agent, which helps to lighten black spots. It also contains Vitamin C, E and A, which gives our skin radiant effect and sun protection.

Second step (exfoliation):

In the first step, the skin has been made for second phase by cucumber. And at this step we will be able to clean the skin of elbows and knees and prepare for the third step.

We need baking powder and raw turmeric to make this exfoliator. Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and 2 tablespoons of raw milk in a bowl well. Massage this mixture with elbow and knee for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, wash in light hot water.

Baking soda acts as a gentle skin cleanser and natural scrubber. This will remove the skin of elbows and knees and help to destroy the germs and later the pack we use will help to absorb the skin and raw milk can clean and moisturizing our skin.

Step Three (Whitening Pack):

After the second step, start packing. Before that the whitening pack will have to be created. Preparation of whitening packs - onions, lemon juice, honey and pea-flour. Mix 2 tablespoons of onion paste, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, half table spoon honey and 1 table spoon of pea-flour in a bowl. Put this mixture on the elbows and knees in the spots for 30 minutes. After that wash it with water.

Onion nourish skin, removes skin impurity and removes black spots. The lemon juice contains 6% citric acid, which plays an important role in lighting the skin tone. Honey has a natural bleaching agent, which cleans and moisturize the skin. Pea-flour has a skin lightening agent that lights up the skin. It also removes skin cells from the skin.

The final step (moisturizing):

After whitening pack, apply any moisturizer to your liking. Also do not forget to use moisturizers every day.

Do this process 2-3 days a week. Take a little time for yourself and do it with patience.

Knowing how to get rid of elbows and knees black spots in just 4 steps. Hopefully, you will be benefited greatly.

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